Public health (undergraduate studies, 4 years)
The mission of the Public Health Program is to train highly qualified public health specialists to be competitive in monitoring the health of the population. These specialists are responsible for the development and implementation of national public health policies and programs, the prevention of morbidity in human population and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
What is Public Health?
Public health is a new and interesting field, which gives you the opportunity to change the world around you, saving the lives of your family members and friends, people in your country and around the world, by:
- reducing health disparities - ensuring fair, quality and accessible healthcare;
- improving community health through education and promoting healthy behavior and lifestyle;
- protecting the community through prevention measures against health threats and research in the prevention of diseases and injuries;
- focusing on entire populations - protecting life within a small area the size of a neighborhood or in a whole country.
Why apply for the Public Health program?
- It is innovative and original - the first bachelor's program in Public Health taught in Romanian, with a duration of 4 years;
- Comprehensive and focused - an interdisciplinary program, encompassing approaches from various major fields, designed to integrate learning, teaching and research, so that students apply theoretical knowledge in their area of interest.
- Outstanding and revolutionary - a distinct learning model based on community-oriented programs and activities that combine knowledge and practice, giving students the opportunity to work on site. It is a competitive and challenging program for students, with experienced teachers and mentors that provides a quality education for the successful future of public health professionals.
- Ensures success and reward - the program constitutes a window to opportunities and activities that will contribute to the professional and personal development of young specialists, as well as to prospects for career advancement and professional performance in a field that is constantly developing.
Career opportunities
Public health is a new and exciting field, which offers a multitude of business opportunities, employment prospects, and the opportunity to work in a challenging and dynamic field. Public health means preventing health problems before they happen. So, if you feel rewarded for working to improve your life and the lives of those around you, then Public Health is for you.
Depending on what you enjoy doing – making calculations, participating in research, or communicating with people, thanks to the knowledge and skills gained during the program, you can pursue a career:
• in: Health policy and management, Health administration, Community and behavioral health, Biostatistics, Environmental health, Health promotion and health education.
• within: the National Agency for Public Health, public and private medical institutions, educational institutions, NGOs, local public administration, research institutions, etc.
• as: researchers, teachers, program evaluators, project managers, health policy makers, health managers, educators, as well as consultants in a number of public health areas (e.g. injury prevention, maternal and child health, etc.)
• aimed at: improving population health, streamlining health systems, improving health management, controlling communicable and non-communicable diseases, reducing environmental risks, reducing non-communicable diseases and risk factors, preventing intentional and unintentional injuries and violence, reducing chemical abuse.