2021-2030 Strategic Development Plan ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy has been approved
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The Senate of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has approved the Strategic Development Plan of the institution for the period 2021-2030 at the meeting held on May 27, 2021. Its structure comprises the mission, vision, values and principles of the University, a brief digression about the history of the institution and its current situation, SWOT analysis, general and specific objectives for the main areas of activity, performance indicators that define the expected results, the designated persons and the exact deadlines for the implementation of envisaged activities.
Olga Iurco, head of the Internal Audit Department, informed the senators that the University’s priorities in the next ten years would focus on establishing a high performance educational environment, and an entity capable of both advanced research and competitive technology transfer.
In this context, the University's Strategic Plan includes nine areas of activity. The first refers to pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education and is based on improving, modernizing and increasing the quality of the educational process at all levels of education by maintaining and developing the educational offer, reshaping training in terms of cultivating particular skills, and increasing attractiveness and competitiveness at both national and European level.
The second area – Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer focuses on bringing the field of research and innovation in line with the contemporary requirements, according to European academic rigors, by strengthening the coordination of research processes during their vertical and horizontal organization.
Clinical Activity represents another strategic field. It is designed for the development of an effective partnership with the clinical bases of public health institutions, which ensures the organization and conduct of physicians’ training process and healthcare provision.
Strengthening international cooperation in the fields of teaching, scientific research, academic mobility, recruiting foreign nationals for studies and creating partnerships with similar foreign universities and institutions, including the diaspora, which collaborate with University professors and alumni, who work abroad, are part of the Internationalization area.
As regards Human Resources, this field aims to retain and develop the university staff able to ensure the achievement of tasks and institutional objectives through sustainable management oriented toward the quality of services and professional performance motivation.
The Management of Financial Resources is the field that refers to ensuring a financial balance which would allow to cover the costs for the proper functioning of Nicolae Testemitanu University and to direct investments for the continuous development and modernization of the institution.
As compared to the University Development Strategy for 2011-2020, the current document includes three new areas, namely: Students and Social Responsibility, Computerization and Communication, Promotion and Institutional Visibility.
Students and Social Responsibility intends to maintain a permanent dialogue with students, resident doctors and their organizations at University level, implement European programs, encourage students and support their participation in national and international events through the Association of Medical Students and Residents, which protects their rights and represents their interests.
Computerization – the permanent development of the institutional infrastructure through the implementation of information and communication technologies, able to support the quality, performance and excellence in the didactic and research activity of the University – is another priority field.
Communication, Promotion and Institutional Visibility is the last strategic area, which has the purpose to develop the image of Nicolae Testemitanu University at national and international level by streamlining internal and external communication, promoting the results of activities and performance of the university community members, and increasing institutional visibility.
The implementation of the Strategic Plan includes two stages: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. Progress shall be estimated in all areas of strategic development according to the planned actions, established performance indicators versus those achieved. The designated persons responsible for priority areas shall prepare annual progress reports, and the Consolidated Annual Progress Report will be included in the University's Annual Report, to be made public on the University’s website.
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