Second stage of University Immunization Marathon against COVID-19 – successfully completed
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2782 people have been vaccinated at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy during the second stage of the University Immunization Marathon against COVID-19 entitled ”From Student to Student”. On June 12 and 13 this year, 2380 citizens received the second dose of Pfizer vaccine and 355 – of Sinopharm. At the same time, 17 citizens were vaccinated with the first dose of AstraZeneca, and 30 with Sinopharm.
According to Marcel Abras, Vice-Rector for Social Activity, after the primary vaccination with Pfizer, a large part of citizens showed up for a booster shot on Saturday, early in the morning, and to avoid the formation of large queues, the University administration decided to start immunization one hour earlier (at 7:00) than originally announced (8:00). At the same time, 6 additional Pfizer vaccination flows were opened.
In total, 16 immunization lines have operated during these two days of marathon: 12 for the booster dose with Pfizer vaccine (at the University Sociocultural Complex) and 4 for Sinopharm (in Leonid Cobaleanschi Teaching Block No. 1). Also, starting with June 7, citizens had the opportunity to schedule in advance a vaccine appointment, by phone or online, or to come to the vaccination points when it was convenient for them. Thus, the citizens vaccinated with Sinopharm and Pfizer during the first university immunization marathon held between May 21-23, on Saturday, from 7:00 to 21:00, and on Sunday, from 8: 00 to 18:00, have turned up for booster shots with their identity card.
At the end of the Marathon, Vice-Rector Abras expressed his gratitude and high appreciation to the ”wonderful team of Nicolae Testemitanu University” who managed to vaccinate 2782 citizens in 24 hours of activity. ”I am proud of each of you, because through this action we have shown that we care about the country and the people and we want life to get back to normal”. The vice-rector expressed his gratitude, in particular, to members of the Association of Medical Students and Residents, representing an enormous potential for the health system, who got involved in all social actions during the pandemic.
The representative of the University administration also thanked doctors and nurses from the University Primary Health Care Clinic, representatives of the Departments of Family Medicine and Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, who worked during the marathon at the triage points and monitored people after vaccination. Overall, about 600 members of the university community have engaged in the Marathon activities.
At the first edition of the marathon, 2,500 people were vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, of which 120 did not show up for the booster dose. Also, of the 380 citizens who received primary vaccination with Sinopharm in the marathon, 25 did not turn up on Saturday or Sunday. Thus, the persons who failed to receive the marathon booster dose must be scheduled until Wednesday, June 17, between 8:30 and 15:00, at tel. No. 062025555 or 022 205 585, at the Vaccination Center opened in the University Medical Rehabilitation Center (str. 31 august 1989, 137A) – for Pfizer or at the Municipal Vaccination Center (str. Petru Rares, 18) – for Sinopharm.
Another 1,888 people were vaccinated with AstraZeneca at the first university immunization marathon. For these citizens, in mid-July, the University will organize the booster dose appointment. People who received primary vaccination with AstraZeneca on June 12 and 13, will be able to go to the family doctor for booster shots in 8 weeks.
The university immunization marathon ”From Student to Student” is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, the Association of Medical Students and Residents with the support of the Rector's Council of Moldova.
Opinions from the University Immunization Marathon:
Grigore, maxi-taxi driver from Chisinau:
”Due to my daily activity, I need to be vaccinated against the new type of coronavirus. Vaccination is the best way to protect myself from this disease, and I don't want to put anyone at risk of contamination. I think we can overcome this pandemic faster if everyone is aware of how important it is to be vaccinated.”
Elena, mother of three, housewife:
”We welcome the University's initiative to organize this marathon. It is an action and a gesture that really deserves all of our admiration for the organization's efforts, the kindness of the staff, starting from the entrance into the Vaccination Center, the smiles of students and nurses ... Thank you Nicolae Testemitanu University!”
Alexandru, student:
”I do not believe in the myths circulating on the Internet about vaccines against new types of coronavirus. I see only the good side of vaccines and I hope for a happy ending of this gloomy period caused by the pandemic.”
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